a) Mechanism for participation:
- Existing mechanisms/laws/policies for full and effective participation both customary and state
- Number of people participating in decision making disaggregated according to sex and age [i.e in community assembly, council of elders; no of people who are able to vote
- Existence of community regulations and standards on participation in decision-making both customary and state
- Existing protocol/consensus process/participation mechanism for the FPIC by the community
- Avenues/opportunities supported by the state for capacity-building among IPs to fully and effectively participate in various decision-making bodies
- Capacity-building for people that were conducted
Rate of adopting customary decision-making processes (including customary FPIC processes)
Increase or decrease in :
- percentage of indigenous peoples participating in traditional and contemporary decision-making processes
- percentage of women in authority in decision-making bodies
- number of appropriate FPIC processes conducted by the government/corporations
- capacity building activities supported by state; by IP community
Percentage of people who have increased their capacity for decision-making and do advocacy work
Use a guide questionnaires and conduct FGD
b) Benefit sharing:
- Existing mechanisms/customary systems to share/distribute benefits from external forces (e.g. development project)
- Policies/laws by the state recognizing the customary systems of IPs on benefit-sharing
- Programs/projects implemented in the land, territories and resources of IPs
- recognition and adoption by the state of customary mechanisms/systems on benefit-sharing
- percentage of IPs who benefited from programs/project implemented by the state
- incidences of conflicts associated with benefit sharing contestations
c) Access to comm./information
- Communications systems available and percentage of population accessing such
- Informations available/ accessible and percentage of population accessing/using these
- Number and quality of avenues provided by the state to increase awareness of IPs on issues affecting them
- Number of IPs who are able to access accurate and relevant information
- Increase or decrease in number /percentage of population accessing/ using available communications systems and information, % of relevant information;
- % change attending capacity building activities for full and effective participation