traditional governance


To reflect status and trends in the practice, adherence to traditional governance systems by IPs and its relation to contemporary institutions and governance practices.




  • Existing indigenous political structure/system/practices/ arrangement  for  self-determination*
    • IP governance systems recognized by state
    • Custom laws, instruments recognized, ratified by state
  • Avenues/opportunities for representation accessible to IP’s
    • Number of IP’s representing their communities in state bodies
  • Existing  community management plans that are being implemented
  • Opportunities/support by the state  to strengthen self-governance(related to leadership and  decision-making)
  • Engagement with other stakeholders including the government, NGOs, church and other institutions
  • What are the violations committed against the exercise of IPs Self-Determined Development
  • Space for women in decision-making mechanisms

Increase or decrease:

  • State laws recognizing traditional/ customary governance system
  • Number/Percentage of institutions provided by the state for IP representation
  • Number/percentage of  policies/plans that reflect customary rules/standard
  • Percentage of community development plan (land use) adopted and being implemented
  • Number of IP representatives elected in state bodies from the community at the regional, national level.
  • space for women and percentage of women who are involve in decision-making
  • Number /percentage of negotiated, rejected and approved projects
  • percentage of women who are involve in decision-making
  • Number /percentage of cases violating IP rights that were filed  and resolved through customary and /or state laws
  • Number/percentage  of written agreements between the community and stakeholders that are implemented

Use a guide questionnaires and conduct FGD

State laws/policies that are in conflict with the recognition, protection and promotion of IP   and human  rights

  • number of collective/individual cases emerged due to conflict of laws
  • number of cases on Violence Against Women;
  • rate of cases resolved ( customary and/or formal legal system)
  • Increase or decrease in number of cases  of violations due to  conflict of laws; violence against women
  • % of cases  resolved against emerging cases